
Church Office Hours:

Monday through Friday, 8:30am until 1:30pm

Check the calendar on the right side of this page for upcoming events!

We encourage you to follow “Tolono UMC” on Facebook for all the latest news.

Sunday Schedule
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship: 10:30am (in-person and via Zoom)                                                                         

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 851 4659 6034               Passcode: 974745
One tap mobile: Dial: 1-312-626-6799

Children are welcome to stay in worship with their families.

Driving directions
We are located at:
301 N. Bourne St.
Tolono, IL 61880

If you are on IL Route 45, turn east at the stoplight. At the second stop sign, turn left (north) onto Bourne St. The church is one block further north, at the corner of Bourne St. and Reynolds St. Parking is available on the south and east of the building. Additional parking is available along Bourne St. and in the gravel parking area on Reynolds St (on the east side of Bourne St.).

The Giving Place
113 N. Bourne St.
Tolono, IL 61880

The Giving Place is our primary local mission. The Giving Place is a needs-based food pantry and clothing closet that serves the Unity (Unit 7) School District. Clients are asked to bring IDs to show proof of residency in Unit 7 and are asked to confirm that their household falls within 150% of the federal poverty level. We are a choice-pantry that provides non-perishable foods. Clients may come to receive food and clothing once a month, on any Wednesday of the month.

The Giving Place is open every Wednesday from 4-6pm for distribution and to accept donations. We accept non-perishable food items and gently used, in-season clothing of all sizes. We also accept toilet paper and diapers.

Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Children who want to volunteer should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  We encourage you to follow “The Giving Place” on Facebook for all the latest news. For questions, donations, or volunteering: Call (217) 649-1389 or (217) 840-5500.


Tithes and Offerings
We appreciate your faithful financial support of the ministry and mission of this congregation and the wider United Methodist Church.

Your tithes and offerings can be left in the offering plate Sunday mornings or mailed to:

Tolono United Methodist Church
PO Box 610
Tolono, IL 61880.

We encourage you to give what you can to UMCOR and UMCOR Advance Specials. For online options to give to the wider United Methodist Church: click here.  You can also give through the church offering by making your check out to the church, then put the project name and/or number on the memo line. These will be channeled through the IGRC Conference office.

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